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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Republic of Cockroaches

1. Make sure that your parents double check the AUP form under forms on their parent access in Skyward.
2. Start thinking about what you are going to be reading outside of class.
3. Read this article (on back of the white paper), answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper or in the margin.
  1. Who or what is the passage about?
  2. What happened?
  3. When?
  4. Where?
  5. How?
  6. Why?
  7. Give a 2-3 sentence summary that includes only the most important information that explains the author's point.

In class we looked at reading comprehension and reading skills.
We are read this article and answered the following questions in groups
  1. Who or what is the passage about?
  2. What happened?
  3. When?
  4. Where?
  5. How?
  6. Why?

Then group drew the best possible summary (making use of the most important information).

If you were absent, you will need to complete this project and meet with me to discuss it on your own.

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